Help us build a sustainable future for the museum and participate in Calgary’s economic recovery. Please consider making a donation today.
With the help of our donors and members, Glenbow makes amazing art and culture experiences accessible to thousands of people in our community and beyond. Your support allows us to bring thought-provoking exhibitions to our city, create education programs that inspire young and old, and enables the preservation of Glenbow’s resources for today and in the future. As an independent non-profit, member-based organization, Glenbow’s operating revenue depends on donations and memberships.
Now more than ever, arts will continue to be an integral part of a vibrant and resilient community like Calgary—inspiring us, challenging us, and bringing us together. Your donation is a vote of confidence in the future of the museum and its role in rebuilding the stability of our community. Help us ensure the museum remains alive in the hearts and minds of Albertans.
Charitable tax receipts are issued for all gifts of $20 or more in accordance with Canadian tax laws and regulations.