Alberta was deeply affected by the events and aftermath of the North-West Resistance, the South African War, and the First and Second World Wars, on both the war and home fronts. These are the stories of army officers, flying “aces,” “barnstormers,” legendary constables, and adventurers. The narratives of these Mavericks will facilitate student understanding of how war contributed to the development of Alberta’s identity.
The Mavericks
Sam Steele was a rager and a fighter. He claimed he was the first man to sign up for the North-West Mounted Police, although two others actually beat him to it.
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Classified as an enemy alien and forced to evacuate from the west coast of Canada in the Second World War, Nakagama and his family moved to southern Alberta to prevent their family from being separated.
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She raced through the streets of Bombay in her yellow convertible, she was a stunt rider in the movie His Destiny, and was Queen of the Banff Winter Carnival. She could ride, shoot, and skate.
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Airplanes were Freddie McCall’s skin and bones. From the moment he enlisted, McCall demonstrated a fearlessness that made him a superlative flyer.