Stampede Queen 1954: Evelyn Eagle Speaker (Locker)



Evelyn Eagle Speaker (Locker) was crowned Stampede Queen in 1954. She was the first — and remains the only — First Nations woman to hold that title.

July 8, 2020

We’re celebrating Stampede virtually this year, so today’s #GlenbowFromHome for our youth audience is a feature on iconic, yet little-known Stampede Queen, Evelyn Eagle Speaker (Locker). In 2012, Eagle Speaker donated her Stampede Queen boots, belt and clothing to the Glenbow collection. Thank you to Evelyn’s daughter, Karon Maclean, for allowing us to tell this story.

About Glenbow From Home

We’re creating opportunities for you to experience art outside of Glenbow’s walls. We know that having access to art and culture is an important part of our daily lives, so you can access Glenbow online anytime — through these virtual tours, online collections, educational videos, activity ideas, webinars and more.

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This video features the song “Pure Water” by Meydän, available under a Creative Commons Attribution license.

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